Trajnimi i avancuar per Spring Boot (Java Framework)
Junior Training Pro do te organizoj trajnimin e radhes qe do te filloj me daten 20 mars 2024 per Trajnimin e avancuar per Spring Boot (Java Framework). Pergjate ketij trajnimi pjesëmarresit do te marrin njohuri te avancuara rreth framework-ut Spring Boot ku pastaj ata do te jene ne gjendje qe te bëjn projekte reale ne menyre te pavarur.
Ky trajnim i dedikohet te gjithe atyre pjesmarrseve te cilat deshirojn qe njohurit e tyre te avancuara ne Java ti kalojn tash ne nje dimension tjeter, duke krijuar projekte te botes reale permes framework-ut Spring Boot. Trajnimi fillon me pjeset bazike duke kaluar gradualisht ne pjese me komplekse, si veprimet me databaze, autentikimi dhe autorizimi, krijimi i sistemit te pagesave online permes paypal gateway, notification features etj, qe te gjitha keto paraqesin pjese me komplekse gjate zhvillimit te aplikacioneve.
Modulet e trajnimit dhe çmimet:
Trajnimi eshte i ndare ne 3 module : moduli bazik, moduli i avancuar, moduli i nje projekti real (e-commerce shop) :
Çmimet per modul jane:
Trajnimi mbahet online.
Kontakto: +38345929665
Temat e trajnimit
Moduli Bazik perfshine keto tema:
1. Overview of Spring Boot
2. Advantages of using Spring Boot
3. Commonly used starters for web development, data access, etc.
4. Setting up a Spring Boot project
5. Understanding the Spring Boot application structure
6. “Hello World” Spring Boot Application with Maven & Gradle
7. Overview of Dependency Injection (DI)
8. Using @Autowired and @Qualifier annotations
9.Bean scopes and lifecycle
10. Basic RESTful Web Services with Spring Boot
11.Creating a simple REST controller
12. Understanding HTTP methods and response statuses
13. Introduction to Spring Data JPA for easy data access
14. Setting up a database connection (example with MongoDB or MySql)
15. Creating a model (Entity) and repository (DAO) for data access
16. Implementing CRUD operations in a Service
17. Introduction to Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)
18. Creating DTOs for Entities
19. Mapping Between Entities and DTOs
20. Using DTOs in Services and Controllers
21. Creating a Controller to handle HTTP requests for CRUD operations
22. Project: Building a Simple Note-Taking Application
The idea is to create a RESTful web service that allows users to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) notes.
Key Components:
To test those api we will use Postman tool in this first module.
Moduli i avancuar
Ne modulin e avancuar studentet do te mesojne per tema me te avancuara te fokusuara ne autentikim dhe autorizim si dhe pjesen e security permes nje aplikacioni ne Spring Boot.
Ne kete modul do te fillojm direkt me nje projekt (shoe shop) ne te cilin ne do te fokusohemi ne backend ndersa pjesa e frontend-it eshte e realizuar permes React.
Moduli i avancuar perfshine keto tema:
1. Introduction to Security in Spring Boot
2. Setting Up Spring Security
3. Configuration of Spring Security in a Spring Boot application
4. Understanding the Spring Security filter chain
5. Definition and differences between authentication and authorization
6. Implementing User Authentication
7. Configuring a custom user details service
8. Storing and retrieving user information (e.g., in-memory, database)
9. Password encoding and security considerations
10. Introduction to JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
11. What is JWT, and why use it?
12. Structure of JWT (Header, Payload, Signature)
13. Generating and verifying JWTs
14. Integrating JWT with Spring Security
15. Using RSA for JWT signature verification
16. Handling token expiration and refresh tokens
17. Building a secure REST API that requires authentication
18. Testing API security with Postman.
Moduli i nje projekti real (e-commerce shop):
Real Project Module: E-commerce Shop with Modern Cloud Services
1. Introduction to the Real Project: E-commerce Backend
2. Connecting with MongoDB
3. Integrating PayPal API Gateway
4. Email Service Integration with Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)
5. Backend-Frontend Integration